Arc Network Folio

Two major data-services companies were looking to re-imagine a cornerstone product partnership: marrying the data migration, storage, and protection services of two peerless leaders in cloud computing.
Visual Identity
Due to NDA restrictions, this project has been reworked, maintaining the original brief and strategy. Identifiable colours, logos and names have been removed, and the artwork altered.

We were responsible for building a new, proprietary design system while ensuring that both participating brand identities didn’t get lost in translation.

Unifying an icon

The logo was developed by combining the parent company’s logo with the first letter of their partner’s product name. The unifying visual element is an arc, representing the journey of cloud data migration, facilitated by Arc Network Folio.

Reference Architectures

Reference architecture diagrams are at the core of many Arc Network Folio services and product offerings. Their main purpose is to visualize the functional framework of a product or solution, and build consistency between sales teams, executives, customers, external partners and anyone in-between. As a result the visual language is intuitive, legible, and easy to modify for users no matter their level of brand-literacy.

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